The Rules for the organization of self-employment of the unemployed have been approved

15 may 2020, 09:27
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The Rules for the organization of self-employment of the unemployed have been approved

Who is preferred in the process of organizing self-employment and through what stages is this process carried out?
In the organization of self-employment, preference is given to persons receiving targeted state social assistance, persons with disabilities, those registered as unemployed for more than a year, persons less than two years before retirement age, unemployed persons released from prisons.

This rule is reflected in the "Rules for the organization of self-employment of unemployed" approved by decision of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 13, 2020, No. 168, prepared in accordance with Article 24.11 of the Law on Employment.

The rule states that unemployed people receiving unemployment insurance benefits are not involved in self-employment. Job-seekers who own agricultural land and have no other employment will be involved in self-employment within 1 (one) year, provided that it does not exceed 50% of the total number of unemployed persons involved in self-employment.

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