Our policies





Quality management coordinator







Legal departament



Department of internal control and audit



Department of citizens' appeals and documentation




Policy on Integrated Management System

The Sustainable and Operational Social Provision Agency (hereinafter - the Agency) has implemented an Integrated Management System (IMS) based on the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 10002: 2018, ISO 26000 and ISO 37001: 2016 standards. The IMS policy is in line with the Agency's goals and context and supports its strategic direction.

The scope of IMS policy includes the following activities of the Agency:

Management of "DOST" centers, control and evaluation of their activities, organization of services in "DOST" centers in the areas corresponding to the activities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


The Agency's obligations to interested sides are as follows:

  1. Service users:
  • Ensuring a high level of services in the areas corresponding to the activities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the "DOST" centers on the basis of "single window" system, as well as the principles of efficiency, citizen satisfaction, transparency, courtesy, responsibility and convenience.
  1. High institution:
  • Socially responsible, quality service, prevention of bribery and corruption, ensuring citizen satisfaction.
  1. Employees:
  • Continuous improvement of the Integrated Management System applied in the Agency;
  • Ensuring the requirements of quality management system, social responsibility, citizen satisfaction and anti-bribery management systems in working conditions;
  • Reducing the risks that affect the activities of the Agency;
  • Ensuring the involvement of employees in the improvement of the Integrated Management System and consultations.
  1. Relevant executive authorities:
  • Compliance with legislation and other requirements related to the activities of the Agency;
  • Lack of conditions for corruption, ensuring social responsibility within the Agency, civic satisfaction and fulfillment of other specific obligations in terms of the context of the Agency.
  1. Society:

- Contribution to the improvement of the Agency's activities through the implementation of social programs and projects.

Main principles of IMS policy:

  1. One of the leading tools for continuous improvement of management technologies of our activity is compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems, ISO 10002: 2018 Customer Satisfaction Management System, ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Management System, ISO 37001: 2016 International Standard on Bribery Management Systems;
  2. Compliance with the requirements of current legislation related to our activities;
  3. Identification of main interested sides that may affect the Agency's operations, as well as internal and external factors;
  4. Identification and managing the risks and probabilities that may affect the quality of services;
  5. Ensuring that current policies are consistent with the Agency's strategic and operational objectives;
  6. Maintaining a high level of quality of service provided to users of our services and continuous improvement;
  7. Using the rich experience gained as a result of effective cooperation with all relevant government agencies to the satisfaction of our citizens and maintaining their level of satisfaction at a high level at all times;
  8. Constantly increasing the level of knowledge, skills and experience of our employees;
  9. Ensuring service quality and citizen satisfaction that can affect the implementation of services, identifying and controlling risks and probabilities in the field of social responsibility and combating corruption;
  10. Ensuring that the demands and expectations of citizens are met at the highest level.


The Chairman of the Board of the Sustainable and Operational Social Provision Agency informs the staff about the policy of the Integrated Management System, ensures that all employees comply with its requirements, improve it and make it accessible to interested sides, while constantly monitoring the effectiveness of this policy.

© 2025 DOST - Agency for Sustainable and Operational Social Security