Service rules

Regulation on the Provision of Services at “DOST” Centers

Approved by the Decree № 387 of

the President of the Azerbaijan Republic

dated December 10, 2018

  1. General Provisions
    • Aimed at ensuring the implementation of item 5.3 of the Decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic No. 229 dated August 9, 2018, this Regulation regulates the provision of the list of services determined by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic (hereinafter referred to as Services) at “DOST” Centers (hereinafter referred to as Center) within the activities implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population (hereinafter referred to as Ministry) in the area of employment, labor, social protection, and provision.
    • The Center shall ensure compliance of its services with the principles of the ‘single window,’ efficiency, citizen satisfaction, transparency, courtesy, responsibility, and convenience.
    • The Center shall provide the following forms of services: immediate (in site) services, self-service, services rendered through the “Call Center”, mobile services, and other legal types of services.
  2. Basic terms
    • The basic terms used in this Regulation shall have the following meanings:
      • immediate (in site) service implies the immediate provision of services on citizens’ request at the Center;
      • self-service means the opportunity for citizens to benefit from all types of electronic services via computers constantly connected to the Internet or special kiosks installed at the Center;
      • service via “Call Center” provides citizens with the opportunity to receive information about all types of services, required documents, queuing as well as to make proposals on the activities of the Ministry and the Center via the Internet or telephone without visiting the Center;
      • customer means a physical or legal person applying to the Сenter for mobile services;
      • mobile service implies the requested service rendered to the Customer outside of the Center accordant with Article 19 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "On Social Services" or item 4.25 of this Regulation;
      • rehabilitation facilities imply facilities provided in compliance with the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”;
    • Other terms used in this Regulation shall have the meanings defined in the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic "On Social Services," "On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities," and other normative legal acts.
  3. General requirements for the organization of services at the Center
    • The Center shall provide the following services:
      • services specified in the list determined by the President of the Azerbaijan Republic and related to the relevant field, including functional support services;
      • contractual services, including mobile services, provided on a contractual basis under sub-item 3.2.9 of the Charter of the Agency for Sustainable and Operative Social Provision (hereinafter referred to as Agency).
    • The Center shall implement the following procedure to provide services:
      • provision of services shall be based on the administrative-territorial unit (units) determined by the Ministry;
      • the Center shall provide services every working day of the week (except for holidays and national day of mourning);
      • the Center shall operate on a first-come, first-served basis;
      • the Center shall provide services based on extensive use of diverse interactive information technologies;
      • to facilitate movement and access to information, the Center shall utilize electronic boards and signs as well as create an information kiosk to provide citizens with information on requested services and electronic queues;
      • relevant units of the Ministry shall conduct their activity at the Center;
      • based on Article 23 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Social Services,” the Center shall provide social services following relevant standards for the provision of social services and other normative legal acts in this field, venues and specialists have been designated for this purpose;
      • requests for services are immediately considered to determine whether it is possible to provide citizens with real-time decisions;
    • To provide the persons with disabilities and disabled children up to 18 years of age (hereinafter referred to as 'person with disability') with unimpeded access to services, the Center has taken the following measures:
      • based on universal design, reasonable remodeling is carried out under the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities”;
      • medical and social expert commissions are created and provided with premises and necessary medical equipment to operate in the relevant administrative-territorial entities;
      • conditions are established to provide persons with disabilities with possible rehabilitation facilities;
      • facilities are allocated and necessary conditions established for emergency medical treatment.
    • the Center holds vocational courses and training sessions in the following areas:
      • training courses in the field of labor and social legislation;
      • special programs on employment for persons with disabilities as well as vocational training for job seekers and the unemployed.
    • the Center can accommodate entertainment facilities for children as well as cafes and other public catering facilities for citizens to wait and effectively spend their time.
  4. Procedure for provision of service at the Center
    • The Center provides immediate (in situ) service in the following way:
      • upon entering the Center, the citizen can either visit the information booth to learn about the window they need to approach and the documents they need to submit or they can submit their documents to the information booth to check the availability of the required documents related to the service they intend to receive;
      • after checking the full set of documents submitted by the citizen to the information kiosk, the citizen is either provided with an electronic queue or informed about the missing documents to be submitted and/or the application or other papers (questionnaires) to be filled out;
      • if a citizen needs assistance in filling out an application or other documents (questionnaires) related to the service they intend to receive, they are referred to volunteers or the Center's employee assigned for this purpose;
      • to submit the required documents, the citizen shall wait for their turn in front of the customer care window specified in the electronic queue;
      • once at the window, the staff member shall check the legality and accuracy of the submitted documents and either accept them in the absence of any errors or omissions to issue a slip confirming the receipt of the application or point the citizen to the errors and deficiencies and present them with an oral explanation on their rectification along with written notice;
      • except for cases specified in sub-item 3.2.8 of this Regulation, the relevant entities of the Ministry shall consider the citizens' appeals under the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Administrative Proceedings” and normative legal acts regulating relations in the relevant field. In the absence of grounds for refusal, the citizen shall either be provided with the service or document they intend to receive within the period established by law or presented a justified refusal;
      • if a citizen applies to the Center to acquire information related to the relevant field in compliance with sub-items 4.1.1 - 4.1.6 of this Regulation, their application shall be processed under the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic “On Citizens' Appeals” and “On Access to Information”;
      • through information systems, the Center shall check the rights of citizens in the area of social protection and security at their request. If citizens request the provision of services related to those rights, they shall be provided with the form of legal and advisory services defined in this Regulation;
    • There are special computers or kiosks set up at the Center as well as the uninterrupted connection to the Internet to ensure the provision of self-service in the relevant field;
    • İn terms of self-service, citizens shall have the right to use any e-service approved by the Cabinet of Ministers and provided by the Ministry;
    • Citizens shall have the right to use the self-service option to access services immediately at the Center;
    • Based on the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers, the “Call Center” shall provide citizens with services related to the Ministry's areas of activity;
    • To assess the quality of service, the “Call Center” ensures registration of all incoming requests for service;
    • Under the contract on mobile service concluded between the Center and the Customer in compliance with sub-item 3.2.9 of the Agency Charter (hereinafter referred to as Contract) and items 4.22 - 4.25 of this Regulation, requests for mobile services filed by the Customer under item 4.10 of this Regulation shall be processed on a paid basis;
    • Employees of the Center shall provide mobile services to customers in compliance with item 4.7 of this Regulation and the following requirements:
      • to provide mobile services to physical persons at their place of work and residence as well as at their place of stay;
      • to provide mobile services to legal entities where they are;
      • based on the Center's work schedule, mobile services shall be provided every day of the week (except holidays and national mourning days). The Center shall have the right to limit the number of daily (weekly) requests processed due to a large number of requests and the remote location of mobile service requesters;
      • during the provision of mobile services, it is prohibited to request any additional documents other than those specified in the laws, other normative legal acts of the Azerbaijan Republic, and this Regulation;
      • mobile services shall envisage the receipt of required documents from customers and/or delivery of ready-made documents to customers.
    • Based on items 4.22-4.25 of this Regulation, a contract shall regulate relations between the parties regarding the provision of mobile services, the parties' rights and obligations, the terms and duration of mobile services as well as the amount of payment paid for the service;
    • The request for the provision of mobile services shall be filed in one of the following ways:
      • by calling the “Call Center”;
      • by filling out the mobile service request form in the Mobile Services section of the Agency’s website;
      • by contacting the Center directly.
    • Should the Customer fail to submit the request for the provision of mobile services under item 4.10 of this Regulation, the request shall not be accepted and the Customer shall be notified of the reason for the refusal.
    • A special software shall register deliberate provision of false information by customers filing the request for mobile services or two unreasonable refusals to accept the provision of mobile services. Such customers shall be given explanation and denied mobile services in case of recurrent request next time.
    • Regardless of the method of requesting mobile services, the “Call Center” operator shall communicate with the Customer to explain the basic conditions for the provision of relevant services (payment fee under the contract, contractual period, required documents, and other important terms of service) and inquire about the availability of the documents required for the provision of services.
    • A related requisite service needed to enable the Customer to benefit from the service is also provided.
    • İnformation about the Customer (surname, name, patronymic name, address, contact numbers, place and time of service, and personal identification number) shall be registered upon the Customer’s agreement to the terms of mobile service and confirmation of the availability of the documents required; then, the operator shall use special software to agree the suitable time and date for the provision of services with the Customer and approve the request.
    • The Center shall inform the Сustomer and state the reasons if it is impossible to provide mobile services requested by the Customer.
    • Mobile services shall be denied in the following cases:
      • on disclosure of false information deliberately provided by the Customer;
      • if the Customer 2 (two) times unreasonably refused their request for mobile services;
      • if the provision of a mobile service is impossible due to the nature of the service requested by the Customer.
    • The operator’s receipt and confirmation of the request for mobile service are followed by its centralized transmission to the Center through special software.
    • Based on the requests received by the Center, at the end of each working day, a schedule of mobile services for the next working day is prepared and approved with employees assigned to provide the mobile services.
    • The request's validity is confirmed before the employee assigned by the Center to provide mobile services goes to the address specified in the request.
    • On the arrival at the address, the employee shall sign the contract on the terms agreed with the Customer and present the Customer with the payment receipt in compliance with Part 5 of this Regulation, and provide the relevant mobile service.
    • Under sub-item 3.2.9 of the Agency Charter, the contractual services, including mobile services, shall be free of charge as part of the guaranteed volume of social services provided at the expense of the state budget to persons (families) in difficult living conditions.
    • Under Article 19 of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "On Social Services," mobile social services shall be provided in the manner prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic.
    • İf social services exceed the guaranteed volume of social services or the type of social service does not relate to the guaranteed type of service, the amount of payment for the provision of such services shall be determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic.
    • The Center has the right to provide free mobile services to persons with a particular need of social protection in the administrative-territorial units specified by the Agency under the projects and programs provided for in sub-item 3.1.16 of the Agency Charter.
    • Under item 4.25 of this Regulation, the Center shall provide mobile services by using special transport and other mobile service facilities in compliance with the following requirements:
      • the location (administrative-territorial unit) and time (start and end date) of the mobile service shall be determined in advance and announced to the public on the official website of the Agency as well as through media outlets at least 3 (three) days before the actual start of the service;
      • special purpose vehicles equipped with appropriate equipment shall be brought to the administrative-territorial units scheduled for the provision of mobile services.
    • To benefit from mobile services specified in item 4.25 of this Regulation, a person with a particular need of social protection shall use their identity document to register (queue up) through the electronic queuing system installed at the service location; and later approach service locations provided at special transport and other mobile service facilities to submit the necessary documents to the Center's representative.
    • The Center’s representative shall render services to the applicant after the legality and completeness of the submitted documents is checked. The service shall be refused and the applicant shall be informed to remove these errors or omissions if they are found in the submitted documents.
  5. Payment for services
    • The following fees shall be charged for the services specified in this Regulation:
      • state duties established by law with regards to the provision of functional support services;
      • the payment specified in the contract following sub-item 3.1.2 of this Regulation.
    • Depending on the form of service, payments specified in item 5.1 of this Regulation shall be made at the time of submission of documents in one of the following ways:
      • by making payments through the banks operating at the Center;
      • through POS-terminals;
      • through online payment systems.

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