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The number of active users of “E-social”reached 153.6 thousand

25 february 2020, 16:18
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The number of active users of “E-social”reached 153.6 thousand

The number of active users of the “e-social” portal of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Population has reached 153.6 thousand, the number of views to the portal is 1 million 904 thousand.

 The Portal enables every citizen to access their social information (pension, allowance, benefits, assignment of disability, various social securities, and etc) in real time and get use of social services in a flexible manner.

  Any person can control the provision of social rights on the portal, (including the implementation of social deductions in connection with him or her, the accumulation of pension capital, etc.) can benefit from the services presented in the “e-Services” section, comprehensive “e-reference” service as well. It also provides an opportunity for employers to submit information about new workplaces and vacancies, in recently, adoption services have also been included.

 There are also applications for Android operating system and IOS platform for easy use of “E-social” and access to the portal. The number of users the portal from Android application is about 14200, from “İOS” application is about 1000.


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