Asan Aç

New small family farms based on self-employment program are being established in front-line regions

20 february 2020, 09:21
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New small family farms based on self-employment program are being established in front-line regions

The establishment of small farms of low-income families in front-line regions based on self-employment program implemented by the instructions of President Ilham Aliyev was widely adopted.

In the last year, within the program assets in the form of goods and materials were given to about 250 people and their access to small businesses was provided in Fuzuli. Each of the program participants from vulnerable groups has successfully established their own small family businesses.

The self-employment program has also covered Jojuq Marjanli village (Jabrayil district). Along with to carry out important work for ensuring the employment of the residents in Jojuq Marjanli, within the self-employment program livestock farms have been established for 25 families.

A group of media workers was given the opportunity to get acquainted with the implementation of the self-employment program in front regions within the media tour to Jojuq Marjanli organized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population. Up to 30 journalists viewed the presentation of assets to those involved in the program. Primarily, the presentation of greenhouse farm to Khaladdin Ismayilov, resident of Fuzuli district was reviewed. Noted that,  Kh.Ismayilov will cultivate vegetables in greenhouse.

Subsequently, goods and materials given to Heydar Gasimov, resident of Ashagi Yaglivan village of Fuzuli region for establishing of a car tire repair workshop and to Vusal Mehraliyev, resident of Horadiz for establishing self-employment as doner maker were reviewed. The journalists got acquainted with livestock farms established within the self-employment program.

Program attendees expressed their gratitude to the head of the state and stressed that they will diligently work to expand their small family farms in future.

Note that, small facilities have been established for about 200 low-income families based on self-employment program in the last year.


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