Employment is any activity of citizens, foreigners and stateless persons that does not contradict the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan and brings profit (income).
Active employment measures are measures aimed at expanding employment opportunities for job seekers and the unemployed, assisting in job search and self-employment, providing vocational guidance, vocational training, increasing knowledge and skills, forming special workforce in accordance with labor market requirements.
A job seeker is a person who applies to a body (organization) determined by the relevant executive authority for a suitable job and in cases provided in this Law in connection with active employment measures and is registered as a job seeker.
Unemployed person is an able-bodied person of working age who has no job and no income, is ready to start work and is registered as unemployed in the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority.
Individuals are registered as job seekers after filling out an electronic application in the electronic information system.
For a job seeker, a job that takes into account his or her education, specialty, previous professional experience, health, and the ability to travel to and from the proposed job by public transport is considered a suitable job.
Vocational counseling services are counseling services aimed at the formation of professional interests of young people (students and pupils of educational institutions, as well as their parents), job seekers and the unemployed by conducting interviews and tests with them, choosing a profession and specialty in accordance with education, skills and personal qualities
Vocational training is the retraining of job seekers and unemployed people in accordance with the needs of the labor market in order to acquire a specialty (profession) or a new specialty (profession) in educational institutions.
Persons who have not worked for more than 3 years, persons who do not have a profession (specialty) and members of a martyr's family have a priority right in the organization of vocational training.
During the period of vocational training, a person is paid a pension in the amount of the minimum monthly salary.
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