What is Targeted State Social Assistance?

Targeted state social assistance (TSSA) is a financial assistance provided by the state to low-income families.

The right to social assistance is available to low-income families whose average monthly income,  is below the sum of the criteria of need for each family member for reasons beyond their control (family members are unable to work, an able-bodied member of the family cares for a person diagnosed with a disability due to 81-100 percent impairment of body functions, a person diagnosed with a disability under the age of 18 or a child under the age of 8, receiving full-time education up to the age of 23, a state body in the relevant executive authority or being registered as unemployed due to the liquidation of a legal entity or the reduction of the number of employees or staff, death, being considered missing or dead by a court, deprivation of liberty, the whereabouts of a family member being unknown).


The following basic definitions are used in the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Addressed State Social Assistance":

1. Criteria of need

The limit approved for each year together with the state budget for the purpose of determining the targeted state social assistance, depending on the subsistence level for the main socio-demographic groups of the population.

Note: The limit of the need criteria for 2024 for the purpose of determining the targeted state social assistance was approved in the amount of 270 manats.


2. The concept of family

Persons related, living together, having a common household or living alone due to kinship or other characteristics determined by law.


3. Family income

All types of income of family members, including gifts to family members, a collection of income in cash and in kind, obtained or to be obtained from property, property belonging to family members, personal subsidiary plots.

Note: When calculating the average monthly income of the family, the following are deducted from the income of the family:

  • tax, social insurance fees and other mandatory payments;
  • the amount (value) of the assistance provided to the family by the state or the employer during a natural disaster (flood, fire, epidemic, earthquake, landslide), war and other unexpected accidents;
  • one-time allowances paid to a family member (annual treatment allowance for radiation accident victims, allowance for the birth of a child, funeral allowance and one-time
  • benefit for persons released from serving sentences in penitentiary institutions);
  • when the family re-applies for social assistance, the amount of social assistance paid for the previous period when the family's income is calculated.


4. Monthly average family income

Average monthly income of the family

The average monthly income of the family is calculated by dividing by 12 the total income of the family members during the 12 (twelve) consecutive months preceding the application.


5. Low-income family
A family with an average monthly income below the aggregate of the need criteria for each family member.

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