Path of victory

Zəfər yolu
How was the victory in the Patriotic War achieved? What battle routes did our veterans go through? How did we experience the joy of victory, the sorrow of losses?

You will hear all this in the language of the veterans. In the program "Road to Victory", which will be broadcast on DOST Agency's Facebook and YouTube channels, the veterans spoke about their battles.
Every Tuesday at 12:00 we will go through the glorious battlefields of the Patriotic War together. To watch the programs, everyone needs to follow the pages of the DOST Agency on social networks at the specified time.
It should be noted that the project was prepared within the "Virtual DOST" subprogram of the "Voluntary DOST" program.
  1. 1. Mobil Ahmadzadeh (sharing date 28.09.2021)
  2. Bekir Asgarzadeh (sharing date 05.10.2021)
  3. Jamal Alkhasov (sharing date 12.10.2021)
  4. Orkhan Mammadzadeh (sharing date 19.10.2021)
  5. Orujali Abbaszadeh (sharing date 26.10.2021)
  6. Vüsal Şabanov (paylaşım tarixi 02.11.2021)

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