1. Name of the service
Certificate of compliance of new and newly established enterprises, facilities, production facilities with labor protection requirements – issuance of passport
3. Classification of services
- Services provided in the field of social services
4. Name of the structural unit performing the service
5. Legal basis of the service
6. Forms of incoming inquiries on the service
- Through representative as a trustee
- Through mail
9. Service users
- Non-population: Legal entities
- Population: Individual entrepreneurs
13. Reasons for refusal as a result of the service
- Incompleteness of documents
- No legal basis
14. Documents required for the provision of the service
17. Information systems used in the service (resources and information)
- e-sosial.az
- taxes.gov.az
- CEİS (Centralized Electronic Information System)
18. The degree of electronicization of the service
19. The degree of automation of the service