Asan Aç


Sustainable and Operative Social Provision (DOST) Agency invites open tender

26 october 2022

Purchase of blinds in the Agency's administrative building, floor covering in Baku DOST Center No. 1, and vinyls in DOST Center No. 6 by the Sustainable and Operative Social Security (DOST) Agency.

Tender participants are suggested to enter - the single Internet Portal of public procurement (Portal) through electronic signatures and get detailed information about the tender. Bidders must have the necessary financial and technical capabilities to fulfill the contract. Organizations that want to participate in the tender can submit their proposals for the competition through the Portal after transferring the participation fee in the amount determined by the lot to the account of the portal operator. Contact person – Sujayat Aliyeva (0125255026 #9034)


Participation fee: 100 (one hundred) manat per lot


The participation fee is not refundable under any circumstances.

Bidders must submit the following documents to participate in the tender:


Claimant's full name, legal status, charter, country of registration and details;
Tender offer (must be valid for at least 30 banking days after the date of opening of offers);
Bank guarantee in the amount of 1% of the tender offer value (the validity period of the tender offer guarantee must be 30 banking days longer than the validity period of the tender offer);
Absence of overdue obligations for taxes and other mandatory payments in the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as non-fulfillment of the duties of the taxpayer established by the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan during the last year (not taking into account the period of suspension of activity) (the original of the document must be scanned and placed in pdf format If the document is received in electronic form, it must be notarized); The relevant reference received on the date after the announcement will be accepted
A copy of the financial statement approved by the tax authorities about the applicant's activity in the last year (for 2021);
Bank statement about the applicant's financial situation in the last year (the original of the document should be scanned and placed in pdf format). a bank statement received on the date after the announcement will be accepted
Information on compliance with the criteria of micro, small and medium enterprises (obtained from the Statistics Committee. The original of the document must be scanned and placed in pdf format. If the document is obtained in electronic form, it must be notarized);
Having the authority to conclude a purchase agreement;
The ability to use one's own property freely and without restrictions, as well as the ability to pay, not being declared bankrupt, not having his property seized, not having a pledge aimed at payment, not being a person whose commercial activity has been suspended by a court decision;
Having professionalism, experience, technical and financial capabilities, manpower, management competence, reliability in the relevant field to ensure the execution of the purchase agreement;
During the 5 years prior to the initiation of procurement procedures, they, as well as their managers, employees, have not been convicted of a crime related to their professional activities, or misrepresenting their qualifications for the conclusion of a procurement contract, or they have not been legally prohibited from engaging in relevant professional activities;


Documents must be drawn up in the Azerbaijani language (tender documents in a foreign language must be translated into Azerbaijani). Bidders can address questions related to the tender to the Procuring Organization through the Portal. The tender procedure will be conducted in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Public Procurement". In order to participate in the tender, bidders must submit the documents related to the qualification indicators by 5pm on 21.11.2022 and bank guarantee documents with the tender offer by 5pm on 29.11.2022 THROUGH THE PORTAL. Bidders' proposals will be opened on 30.11.2022 at 5pm. Bidders can get acquainted with the results of the opening through the Portal.


NOTE: Participation in the tender, evaluation of the tender and all other procedures are carried out only electronically through the PORTAL.

© 2024 DOST - Agency for Sustainable and Operational Social Security