
Request for quotations on sanitary-epidemiological work in Baku DOST Center No. 1

25 november 2020

The Agency for Sustainable and Operational Social Provision under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan carries out the procurement of sanitary and epidemiological works of the Baku DOST Center No. 1 by means of a request for quotation.

To participate in the quotation request, the price proposal (including transport, insurance, customs duties and other expenses) and other necessary documents must be submitted to the office located at 86, Ismayil Gutgashinli Street, Yasamal district, Baku by December 2, 2020 at 6pm . (phone: 012 525-50-26, ext. 9234) Envelopes will be opened on December 3, 2020 at 11am at the same address.

Those interested can get the relevant information by applying in writing from the office of Baku DOST Center No. 1, located at 86 Ismayil Gutgashinli Street, Yasamal district, Baku, AZ1073.

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