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Attention, cyber threat!

27 august 2020, 10:50
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Attention, cyber threat!

It has recently been revealed that an account has been created on Telegram social network on behalf of the DOST Agency's "DOST Volunteer" program. We would like to inform the citizens that this account managed by Bot has deceptive content. The information of citizens wishing to join the "DOST Volunteer" program is collected here, and they send a request to write the IIN number of the ID card to join the volunteer program. Although 4 options are provided after entering the IIN number, none of these options is active. Because the purpose is only to collect the IIN number of the citizen's ID card. In this way, the Bot gets access to the personal data of citizens.

We declare that this account has nothing to do with the activities of the DOST Agency, we do not know who created and managed it, and citizens are not involved in the "DOST Volunteer" program via Telegram.

We would like to inform you that the official information channels of DOST Agency are as follows:







To join the "DOST Volunteer" program, you can use the following links:


From the official Instagram account:

From the official Facebook page:

From the official Facebook group:

We once again urge citizens to protect themselves from such actions of cybercriminals, not to share personal information about themselves on Internet resources whose reliability is questionable, as well as to exchange information with the DOST Agency only through our official information channels.

© 2024 DOST - Agency for Sustainable and Operational Social Security