DOST Agency will receive ISO certificates

20 may 2021, 13:23
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DOST Agency will receive ISO certificates

The Sustainable and Operational Social Provision Agency (DOST Agency) under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection will receive ISO certificates. The Agency and Bureau de Qualite LLC signed an agreement worth AZN 89,078.2. The contract will cover more than 7 months. During this period, 30 employees of DOST Agency will attend ISO 9001: 2015 “Quality Management System”, ISO 37001: 2016 “Anti-Bribery Management Systems”, ISO 10002: 2018 “Customer Satisfaction-Complaints Review Procedures in Organizations”, ISO 26000: 2010 “On Social Responsibility Guidance"trainings, as well as the compliance of management systems and work processes in these areas with ISO international standards will be checked, and after successful inspection, an ISO certificate will be issued.

Application of ISO standards will further improve the work of DOST Agency and DOST centers, improve the quality of service.

The main criteria for evaluating the bids of the bidders were price proposal, experience in similar work, and qualified personnel. Among the bidders considered on all these parameters, Bureau de Qualite LLC was declared the winner of the tender.

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