Asan Aç

Grants of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to persons awarded the title of "Hero of the Patriotic War" of Azerbaijan

For each person awarded the title of "Hero of the Patriotic War" of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is paid in the amount of 2,000 (two thousand) manats per month.

In case of awarding the title of "Hero of the Patriotic War" of Azerbaijan posthumously or the death of the person who was given this name, the grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is paid to the family members of the persons listed below (in the amount of the pension is divided by an amount equal to their number):

- widow (husband), parents;

- children under the age of 18 (for those who studied at vocational, secondary specialized educational institutions, higher educational institutions and at the master's level of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, until they graduate from these educational institutions and at the master's level of a scientific organization, but not more than they reach the age of 23), or children with disabilities over 18 years of age, in respect of whom a disability has been established before they reach the age of 18, brothers and sisters who are brought up in orphanages;

- grandparents who have no other first-line relatives.


Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to persons awarded the title of National Hero of Azerbaijan

For each person awarded the title of National Hero of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is paid in the amount of 1800 (one thousand eight hundred) manats per month.

In case of awarding the title of the National Hero of Azerbaijan posthumously or the death of the person who was given this name, the pension of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is paid to the family members of the persons listed below (in the amount of the pension is divided by an amount equal to their number):

- widow (husband), parents;

- children under the age of 18 (for those who studied at vocational, secondary specialized educational institutions, higher educational institutions and at the master's level of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, until they graduate from these educational institutions and at the master's level of a scientific organization, but not more than they reach the age of 23), or children with disabilities over 18 years of age, in respect of whom a disability has been established before they reach the age of 18, brothers and sisters who are brought up in orphanages;

- grandparents who have no other first-line relatives.

The grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is awarded to each person awarded the title of National Hero of Azerbaijan at the expense of the state budget of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Gramt of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the martyr family on January 20

The family of each person who died during the January tragedy of 1990 is paid a "Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the family of martyrs on January 20" in the amount of 600 (six hundred) manats per month.

The pension is divided equally according to the number of family members of these persons and is paid through the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the expense of the expenses provided for in the state budget to this Ministry.


Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the martyr family

"Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the family of martyrs" is paid to the family of each martyr in the amount of 600 (six hundred) manats per month.

For each martyr, his family is paid only one - the highest of the grants assigned to persons awarded the title of Hero of the Patriotic War of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the National Hero of Azerbaijan, the martyr's family on January 20, and established by paragraph 1 of this Decree.

The grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the martyr family is assigned to the following members of the martyr family:

wife (husband);
children with disabilities who have not reached the age of 18 or over 18 years of age, in respect of which a disability has been established before they reach the age of 18 (in the case of full-time education up to 23 years);
brothers and sisters who are brought up in orphanages (in the case of full-time education up to 23 years);
grandparents in the absence of a legal guardian.

When assigning the "Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the family of a martyr" to martyr children under guardianship (guardianship), the guardian (trustee) is not taken into account in the composition of the family.

"Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the martyr's family" is assigned on the basis of a document confirming the relationship of the applicant with the martyr, a certificate issued to the family of the martyr, information about other family members entitled to receive a pension, and an application.

"Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the martyr's family" is determined for each martyr and is paid by dividing it equally by the number of family members.

"Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the martyr's family" is assigned to members of the martyr's family living outside the Republic of Azerbaijan by the State Social Protection Fund under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan and is paid only by bank transfer, and to members of the martyr's family residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan - by local institutions The State Social Protection Fund at the place of residence or the "DOST" centers under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Regardless of the term of application, the "Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the family of martyrs" is assigned from the day the right to receive it arises.

"Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Family of Martyrs" is paid from the state budget.

Grant to family members of martyrs living outside the Republic of Azerbaijan is transferred at their request to their personal accounts opened in the banks of the Republic of Azerbaijan or to the countries where they live at their own expense.


Individual grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan

In addition to the figures of literature and art of Azerbaijan, the individual grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was established to assess the merits of people who have made a great contribution to science, education, culture, economy, public administration and other areas of our country and improve their social status, and each of them is determined in the amount of 1500 (one thousand five hundred) manats.

An individual grant is issued by the decision of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the expense of the state budget.


Monthly grant for honorary titles

The amount of a monthly grant for honorary titles to the People's Writer, People's Poet, People's Artist and People's Artist to appoint a total of 200 manats, Honored Worker of Science, Honored Worker of Arts, Honored Artist, Honored Worker of Culture, Honored Teacher, Honored Doctor, Honored Architect, Honored Worker of Physical Education and Sports, Honored Civil Servant, Honored Journalist, Honored Engineer, Honored Lawyer, Honored Agricultural Worker, Honored Pilot, Honored Medical Worker - 150 manats.

Grants to persons awarded honorary titles are paid by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the expense of funds provided for these purposes in the state budget.

Persons awarded several honorary titles are assigned only one, the highest, of the monthly grants established by paragraph 1 of this Decree.


Grantof the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to persons with disabilities in connection with the war or the events of January 20, 1990

The monthly grant  of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for persons with disabilities in connection with the war or the events of January 20, 1990 is:

For persons with 81-100 percent of body disfunction – AZN 500

For persons with 61-80 percent of body disfunction – AZN 400

For persons with 31-60 percent of body disfunction – AZN 330


Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to participants in the 2nd World War of 1941-1945, persons who worked at enterprises, departments and organizations of the city of Leningrad during its blockade during the Second World War, and persons awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" and the badge "Resident in besieged Leningrad"

Participants of the 2nd World War of 1941-1945, persons who worked at enterprises, departments and organizations of the city of Leningrad during its blockade during the Second World War, and persons awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" and the badge "Resident in besieged Leningrad" (with the exception of persons with war-related disabilities) a pension of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the amount of 330 (three hundred thirty) manats is paid.


Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for persons with an established disability due to impaired body functions from 81 to 100 percent for general reasons (except for persons with visual impairment)

Persons with an established disability due to a violation of body functions from 81 to 100 percent for general reasons (except for persons with visual impairment) are paid a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the amount of 200 manats.

The grant is paid through the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the expense of the expenses provided for in the state budget to this Ministry.


Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the families of servicemen who died in the line of international duty as part of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, who went missing and were declared dead in court


The families (parents, widows) of military personnel who died in the line of international duty as part of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, who went missing and were declared dead in court, are paid a monthly pension of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the amount of 600 (six hundred) manats.

The pension is paid by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan by dividing it equally by the number of family members (parents, widows) of these servicemen from the funds provided for social protection expenses in the state budget of each year.

The grant is awarded to the following members of the families of military personnel who died in the line of international duty as part of the Soviet troops in Afghanistan, who went missing and were declared dead in court:

- parents;

- widow.

- To receive a grant, a person applies to the State Social Protection Fund under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan, to local institutions of the State Social Protection Fund under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan, or to DOST centers.


Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan for persons caring for persons with established disabilities due to impaired body functions from 81 to 100 percent and children with disabilities under the age of 18

Persons caring for people with established disabilities due to impaired body functions from 81 to 100 percent and children with disabilities under the age of 18 are paid a monthly scholarship of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the amount of 100 manats.

The scholarship is awarded to persons caring for people with an established disability due to a violation of body functions from 81 to 100 percent and children with disabilities under the age of 18, regardless of the right to receive a pension, labor pension or social benefits, employment status.

A family member of a person with an established disability due to impaired body functions from 81 to 100 percent means his parents (adoptive parents), grandparents, husband (wife), children (including adopted children), their husbands (wives), sisters, brothers, matchmakers, parents, sisters, husband’s (wife’s) brothers, and under family members of children under 18 years of age with disabilities - their adoptive parents), grandparents, husband (wife), sisters, brothers, parents, sisters , husband's (wife's) brothers.

If there are two or more persons in the family with an established disability due to impaired body functions from 81 to 100 percent or children with disabilities under the age of 18, a pension to the person caring for them is paid for each of the persons with disabilities or children with disabilities under the age of 18.

Grant for the care of one person with an established disability due to a violation of body functions from 81 to 100 percent or one child under 18 years of age with disabilities is paid to only one person.

In accordance with Article 35.4 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the guardians and custodians of individuals in need of guardianship and who are in the relevant social service institutions or placed in these institutions are such institutions. Grants are not paid for caring for a person with an established disability due to a violation of bodi functions from 81 to 100 percent or children with disabilities under the age of 18, placed in these institutions and fully supported by the state.

The grant is paid from the state budget once a month in a non-cash form.

The payment of the pension is suspended in the following cases:

In case of death or change of residence of a person with an established disability due to a violation of body functions from 81 to 100 percent or a child with disabilities under the age of 18, as well as a person with disabilities;

When a person is declared incompetent by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

When changing or canceling the level of the current percentage of the impairment of the body of a person with an established disability due to a violation of the functions of the body from 81 to 100 percent, upon expiration or cancellation of the period of disability of a child with disabilities under the age of 18;

When filing a statement that the guardian does not care for a person who has been diagnosed with a disability due to a violation of body functions by 81-100 percent (except for persons who have been diagnosed with a disability due to a violation of body functions by 81-100 percent ) or a child with a disability under the age of 14-18 years of age (for children under 14 years of age - the guardianship and guardianship authority)

The payment of the grant is suspended from the date of occurrence of one of the cases specified in subparagraphs 3.5.1-3.5.4 of these Rules, and in the case specified in subparagraph 3.5.5, from the date of application.

If an application for a change of person is received during the period of validity of a plastic card issued by the relevant branch of the bank on the basis of an order of the Institution for payment after the appointment of a grant (except for the death of the service person, change of residence, recognition as incapacitated by a court decision that has entered into force), the bank's expenses, necessary for a new appointment, paid by the applicant.


Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to war veterans

War veterans are paid a grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the amount of 80 manats.

The grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is issued to persons receiving social benefits for payment of public utilities, transport and other services until April 1, 2019 in exchange for the specified social benefit, to war veterans receiving a labor pension and serving in the belligerent army (with the exception of participants in the Great Patriotic War), and also to servicemen who have performed their duty in the country where the military operation is being carried out - in return for the additional payment of the insurance part of the labor pension.

Persons entitled to receive a grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and persons with disabilities in connection with the war and the events of January 20, 1990, participants in the 2nd World War in 1941-1945, persons who worked at enterprises, departments and organizations of the city of Leningrad during the period its blockade during the Second World War, and to persons awarded the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" and the badge "Resident in besieged Leningrad" (with the exception of persons with war-related disabilities), persons with established disabilities due to impaired body functions from 81 to 100 percent due to general illness, illness during military service, labor injury and occupational disease, being in the combat zone, liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, who are eligible to receive a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Only one is awarded - the highest of mentioned grants of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to persons with an established visual disability due to impaired body functions from 81 to 100 percent for general reasons

Persons with an established visual disability due to impaired body functions from 81 to 100 percent for general reasons are paid a grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the amount of 300 manats.

The grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is paid through the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the expense of the expenses provided for in the state budget to this Ministry.


Grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to persons who have worked for at least 25 years in scientific institutions and organizations or educational institutions at their main place of work, registered in the work book, having a scientific degree, not working and entitled to a labor pension

The amount of the grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to persons who have worked for at least 25 years in scientific institutions and organizations or educational institutions at their main place of work, registered in the work book, having a scientific degree, being unemployed and entitled to a labor pension, is 500 manats for a doctorate degree Sciences, 300 manats for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

The grant of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is awarded to labor pensioners who have worked for at least 25 years in scientific institutions and organizations or educational institutions at their main place of work, registered in the work book before January 1, 2021, who have a scientific degree, who are not working (with the exception of labor pensioners who in accordance with Article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Labor Pensions", additional payments to labor pensions are assigned depending on the length of service) instead of an additional payment to the insurance part of labor pensions, as well as to persons who will be entitled to a pension of this category.

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