Regardless of the degree of disability, disability is granted to persons who have reached the age limit for the right to receive a labor pension or social benefits for the age established by the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Labor Pensions” and “On Social Benefits”.
Referrals to persons with disabilities for employment by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection should be accepted by enterprises and organizations, regardless of the type of ownership and legal form, except for enterprises are not subject to quotas set by the Cabinet of Ministers.
Terms and procedure for awarding labor pensions to persons with disabilities shall be determined by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Labor Pensions”.
Terms and procedure for awarding social benefits to persons with disabilities are determined by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Social Benefits”.
Persons with disabilities are provided with medicines, medical services, sanatorium-resort treatment within the country, as well as prosthetic and orthopedic products, dentures (except for prostheses made of precious metals) in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers.
Prosthetic and orthopedic products, wheelchairs, technical and other rehabilitation aids are provided free of charge to persons with disabilities at the expense of the state budget.
The grounds for considering a person with a disability in need of a place of residence and the rules for registering a person in need of a place of residence shall be established by the Housing Code of the Azerbaijan Republic.
In the event of the death of a person with a disability registered as a person in need of a place of residence, such registration shall be maintained for his or her family members in accordance with the procedure established by the relevant executive authority.
Persons with disabilities, including children under 18 with disabilities, are preferred in the organization of self-employment of the unemployed.
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