Asan Aç

Lump sum social benefits

What is a social benefit?

It is a monthly and lump sum payment for the provision of social assistance to certain categories of people.


Who are eligible for benefits?


Applying for social benefits

After the right to receive social benefits is established, the structural unit of the State Social Protection Fund at the place of residence, the "DOST" center or "Single coordination centers for appeals of family members of martyrs, servicemen and persons with disabilities" can apply.


Term of consideration of determination of social benefits

An application for appointment of benefits shall be considered no later than 10 (ten) days from the date of registration and a relevant decision shall be made.

If a decision is made to refuse to grant benefits, the applicant shall be officially notified within 5 (five) days, indicating the reasons for the refusal. The applicant has the right to appeal this decision administratively to a higher authority (official) and the court.


Types of lump sum social benefits

- Annual treatment benefit for victims of radiation accidents;

- Birth benefit;

- Funeral benefit;

- Benefits for persons in need of medical and social assistance who have been released from prison;

- Benefit for the support of basic financial conditions to the specialist working in the territories freed from occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan

- Benefit for the purchase of seasonal clothing for children given to a foster family


Annual treatment benefit for victims of radiation accidents


In what case is the benefit determined?

When a decision is made by the relevant executive authority confirming that the person's disability has been determined as a result of a radiation accident and that the health of the children under the age of 18 of the Chernobyl accident victims is limited as a result of the accident.


What period is the benefit determined for?

For the period of disability including loss of health, it is determined annually by paying once a year from the 1st of the month following the month in which the treatment is applied.


What documents are required to determine the benefit?

List of the required documents

ID Card


Extract from the examination report of the medical and social expert commission on disability, confirming the participation of the person in the liquidation of the radiation accident (Chernobyl NPP) and the damage caused by the accident


Extract from the examination report of the medical and social expert commission of the child with disabilities under 18 years of age of the participants of the Chernobyl accident


Opinion of the Interdepartmental Expert Council of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the fact that the health capabilities of the children of those who took part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident were related to the accident


What is the amount of the benefit?

AZN 300


Birth benefit


In what case is the benefit determined?

Upon submission of a certificate issued by the relevant executive authority.


What period is the benefit determined for?

A lump-sum benefit for the birth of a child is determined regardless of the period of application.


What is the amount of the benefit?

500 AZN


What documents are required to determine the benefit?

At present, this benefit is determined proactively without applying to any government agency or collecting any documents.

After the date of receipt of the birth certificate for the newborn, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population in the context of integration into the relevant information system of the Ministry of Justice, the benefit is determined electronically on the basis of information obtained from this system.


Funeral benefit


In what case is the benefit determined?

One of the benefits for civil servants for life, age, disability, loss of the head of the family and children with disabilities under 18 years of age, a person receiving unemployment insurance in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Unemployment Insurance"


What is the amount of the benefit?

In the event of the death of a pensioner, his family shall receive a funeral benefit in the amount of three times the minimum amount of the pension on the date of the pensioner's death. In case of death of a person receiving social benefits or unemployment insurance, a lump sum funeral benefit in the amount of 500 AZN is paid.


What documents are required to determine the benefit?

List of the required documents

Identity card of the person organizing the funeral of the deceased


Death certificate of the deceased


Certificate of the district (city) registration department of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan for receiving funeral benefit


Certificate of the person organizing the burial from the representatives of the head of the local executive authority on administrative-territorial districts or field administrative-territorial districts


Benefits for persons in need of medical and social assistance released from prison


In what case is the benefit determined?

Persons released from imprisonment in need of medical and social assistance - upon presentation of a certificate issued by penitentiary institutions to persons released from serving sentences of imprisonment and life imprisonment on the grounds established by law


What is the amount of the benefit?

Persons released from prison in need of medical and social assistance are provided with a lump-sum benefit in the amount of four times the minimum monthly wage.


What documents are required to determine the benefit?

List of the required documents

ID Card


Reference from the penitentiary institution on release from serving a sentence


A copy of the court's decision to release the person from criminal liability or the remainder of his sentence on acquittal grounds


 Benefit for the support of basic financial conditions to the specialist working in the territories freed from occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan


In what case is the benefit determined?

Benefit for the support of basic financial conditions to a specialist working in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan - taking into account Article 21-1 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in case of an employment contract concluded for a period of at least one year to work in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Extract from the Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

Article 21-1. Features of the work of specialists working in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan

21-1.1. Specialists working in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan have the right to use the concessions and privileges provided for in this Code and other laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan in cases where the following conditions coexist:

21-1.1.1. if the employer with whom the specialists concluded an employment contract (including, in the case of a legal entity, its branch, representative office registered for tax purposes in accordance with Article 33.2 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan) is registered for tax purposes in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

21-1.1.2. when the place of work of specialists under the labor contract (contract) is located in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

21-1.1.3. when specialists settle in the liberated territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

21-1.2. The application of concessions and privileges is suspended when the conditions stipulated in Articles 21-1.1.1- of this Code are violated.


What period is the benefit determined for?

It is determined regardless of the application period..


What is the amount of the benefit?

600 AZN 


Benefit for the purchase of seasonal clothing for children given to a foster family


In what case is the benefit determined?

When an agreement on the transfer of a child to a foster family is concluded between the foster parents and the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority.


What period is the benefit determined for?

It is paid 4 times a year (in March, June, September and December) after the conclusion of the agreement between the foster parents and the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive power authority, for the duration of the agreement.


What documents are required to determine the benefit?

List of the required documents

ID Card


Agreement between the foster parents and the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority on the transfer of the child to the foster family


What is the amount of the benefit?

200 AZN 




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