General information about the enterprise
The Shelter and Social Rehabilitation Institution (hereinafter - the Institution) for vulnerable groups of the population subordinated to the Agency for Social Services under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan was engaged in socially important activities. implementation of social rehabilitation of homeless persons over 18 years of age, victims of domestic violence, as well as persons with visual impairments (hereinafter - persons), providing them with social-legal, medical-social, social-domestic services, social-advisory assistance as well as the provision of semi-inpatient and inpatient social services for the provision of temporary accommodation during the rehabilitation period for persons from these categories admitted to the institution in an inpatient form, vulnerable groups through the hotline is a public legal entity that provides the organization of social-advisory services for persons from, as well as the provision of services in other areas in accordance with the activities of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Baku city, Sabunchu district, Zabrat settlement, Zabrat Pirshagi road, 1st km, 33 A.
Who is admitted to the enterprise?
- persons under the age of 4 who are neglected, orphaned and in a socially dangerous situation;
- persons over 18 years of age without a fixed abode;
- persons who have suffered from domestic violence;
- persons with visual impairments aged 5-29.
The following persons are not admitted to enterprises:
People with infectious and mental illnesses, as well as people with occasional epileptic seizures and epilepsy prone to dysphoria.
Service life in the enterprise
The period of rehabilitation of persons in the institution is determined not more than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days (depending on the results of the rehabilitation process, except for cases of extension with the consent of the Social Services Agency)
The process for neglected, lonely and socially dangerous minors
Applying for admission to the institution
In order to be admitted to the institution, the children must be personally or by an authorized representative of the city, district police and local commission for the protection of the rights and affairs of minors, municipalities, non-governmental organizations, as well as other persons under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection. They apply to the Social Services Agency or "DOST" centers
The list of the required documents |
1 |
Written or oral application of a minor
2 |
With the consent of the parents, relatives, other legal representative (guardian, custodian), municipalities, non-governmental organizations, as well as with the consent of the minor, taking into account the wishes of the minor, except in cases where it is contrary to his interests. appeals of other persons
3 |
Appeal of the local commission on affairs and protection of the rights of minors
4 |
Decision of the city or district police body on placement of minors in need of social rehabilitation in a specialized social rehabilitation institution intended for them
(In accordance with paragraph 2.3 of the "Rules for placement of persons (families) in difficult living conditions in public social service institutions" approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 5, 2013 No 320)
Services provided in the enterprise
In order to carry out the social rehabilitation of individuals, an individual plan for the provision of social services agreed by the enterprise shall be drawn up for each person.
The following measures are taken for the purpose of social rehabilitation of the persons accepted by the enterprise:
- for neglected, lonely and socially dangerous minors (children):
- initial medical examination of children and provision of first aid to them;
- initial assessment of children's psycho-social situation;
- ensuring that children in need of inpatient treatment are sent to treatment and prevention facilities;
- providing children with medicines and other medical supplies according to the doctor's opinion;
- monitoring children's emotional state and behavior;
- relieving children from depression, providing them with psychological assistance in accordance with their age, creativity, intellectual and physical abilities;
- to study the characteristics of the child's normal or socially dangerous behavior, to determine his potential and tendencies, the form and degree of isolation from society (if any) in order to organize complex measures for pedagogical correction;
- improving children's skills in self-care, behavior at home and in public places, self-control and other areas of life;
- implementation of measures aimed at expanding children's worldview, increasing communication skills, developing creative activities;
- to assist children in acquiring simple work habits and various professions, to inform them about different professions and their characteristics, to identify professional tendencies, to provide professional advice, and to take appropriate measures to ensure their employment if they are able to work;
- apply to relevant educational institutions to assist children in their education in accordance with their physical and mental abilities and take joint measures with educational institutions in this direction;
- implementation of relevant measures related to the organization of children's cultural and leisure time;
- protection of children's rights, provision of professional assistance in identifying perpetrators.
- Assistance in obtaining documents (birth certificate, identity card, documents required for employment, etc.).
The process for persons over 18 years of age without a fixed abode
Applying for admission to the institution
Admission of persons to the enterprise shall be carried out by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan or by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It is carried out on the basis of appeals to "DOST" centers.
Required medical document
In order to determine whether a person has a disease that prevents him from being admitted to the institution, he is referred to a medical center and, based on the results of the medical examination, a medical certificate is issued stating that he is not a carrier of infectious diseases and mental health. According to the required medical document - certificate, persons with obvious health doubts are sent to specialized medical institutions.
Services provided in the enterprise
- initial medical examination of persons and provision of first aid to them;
- initial assessment of the psycho-social condition of individuals;
- ensuring that people in need of inpatient treatment are sent to treatment and prevention facilities;
- providing persons with medicines and other medical supplies according to the doctor's opinion;
- monitoring the emotional state and behavior of individuals;
- assistance in obtaining documents (identity card, property documents, documents required for employment, etc.) and recovery of lost documents, as well as pensions and other social benefits;
- providing psycho-social support and counseling in order to eliminate psychological trauma, restore social status, social adaptation and integration into society;
- assisting in the organization of vocational training, retraining and employment of individuals in accordance with their physical and mental abilities;
- implementation of relevant measures related to the organization of cultural and leisure time of individuals;
- Providing legal advice to individuals in order to protect their rights, and professional assistance in identifying offenders.
The process for visually impaired people
Applying for admission to the institution
For admission to the institution, parents (or relatives, other legal representatives (guardians, trustees), municipalities, non-governmental organizations, as well as other persons with the consent of the person) to the Agency for Social Services under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan or “ DOST ”centers.
Services provided in the enterprise
- initial medical examination of persons and provision of first aid to them;
- ensuring that people in need of inpatient treatment admitted to the institution are sent to treatment and prevention facilities;
- initial assessment of the psycho-social situation and provision of socio-psychological assistance;
- teaching Braille to 15-29 year olds;
- increase the sensation of the feet and teach the use of hand sticks;
- organization of vocational training and retraining of individuals in accordance with their physical and mental abilities;
- implementation of relevant measures related to the organization of cultural and leisure time of individuals.
The list of the required documents |
1 |
Child’s ID Card
2 |
Extract from the decision of the medical and social expert commission confirming the child's visual impairment on the assessment of health disabilities (this document is required if it is not possible to obtain from electronic information resources in the form of an electronic document)
3 |
Medical certificate of the child's health, indicating the absence of carriers of infectious diseases and mental health status
The process for victims of domestic violence
Applying for admission to the institution
To be admitted to the enterprise, as well as with the consent of the person, relatives, legal representative (guardian, trustee), municipalities, non-governmental organizations or other persons apply to the Social Services Agency or "DOST" centers under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan they do.
Services provided in the enterprise
- Initial medical examination of persons and provision of first aid to them;
- Preliminary assessment of the psychological and emotional state of individuals;
- Implementation of measures aimed at restoring the damaged or lost functions of individuals, eliminating the consequences of diseases and injuries, full or partial recovery of psychological, physiological and anatomical disorders;
- Providing psycho-social support and counseling in order to eliminate psychological trauma, restore social status, social adaptation and integration into society;
- Providing legal advice to individuals in order to protect their rights, professional assistance in identifying offenders;
- Assistance in the preparation of relevant documents for the social protection of individuals or the receipt of social benefits;
- Assistance in employment and acquisition of new professions;
- Provision of temporary shelter to individuals;
- Implementation of relevant measures related to the organization of cultural and leisure time of individuals;
- Implement appropriate measures to restore a normal lifestyle in the families of individuals.