Asan Aç

Assignment of targeted state social assistance

What is targeted state social assistance and what are the basic concepts?

Targeted state social assistance (TSA) is a financial assistance provided by the state to low-income families.

Need criterion means the limit approved for each year together with the state budget for the purpose of determining the targeted state social assistance depending on the subsistence level for the main socio-demographic groups of the population;

Family means persons related by kinship or other characteristics determined by law, living together, having a common household or living alone;

Family income means all types of income of family members, including gifts to family members, a collection of income in cash and in kind, obtained or to be obtained from property, property belonging to family members, personal subsidiary plots;

Average monthly family income means the average monthly income of the family;

Low-income family means a family with an average monthly income below the aggregate of the need criterion for each family member.

Families eligible for social assistance

Low-income families living in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and whose average monthly income for the last 12 (twelve) months prior to the application is less than the sum of the need criteria for each family member is entitled to receive social assistance in the amount of the difference between the sum of the need criterion and average monthly income;

Disability of a family member;

The ability of an able-bodied family member to care for a person with a first-degree disability, a child under the age of 8, or a child under the age of 18 with disabilities;

Full-time education of able-bodied family members under 23 years of age;

Receipt of unemployment insurance benefits by an able-bodied family member in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Unemployment Insurance”

Death of a family member;

Declaration of a family member missing or dead by a court;

Imprisonment of a family member;

The whereabouts of the family member are unknown.

What should be done to receive targeted state social assistance?

An adult and able-bodied person representing the family (in the absence of such a person, a non-family guardian (trustee), patron (assistant) or proxy) may apply for social assistance. To apply, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of family composition and a notarized application from a notary with the consent of family members.

The next step is to enter the Targeted Assistance subsystem (VEMTAS), fill in the information electronically and confirm at the end.

VEMTAS verifies the information specified in the “Application-Declaration” through the “E-Government” portal in coordination with the information systems and resources of the relevant agencies through special software.


Applications for social assistance are investigated by VEMTAS within 15 (fifteen) working days and a decision is made on the appointment or denial of social assistance.

Social assistance is granted for a period of 1 (one) year from the 1st of the month in which you apply for it.

If the amount of social assistance is not withdrawn from the card account by the family within 2 (two) consecutive months, the provision of social assistance by VEMTAS is suspended and the family's right to receive social assistance is reconsidered at the request of the Representative.

If there is a change in the family's income after the appointment of social assistance, the family receiving social assistance must notify VEMTAS electronically within 15 (fifteen) working days.

In case of violation of the requirements of Clause 10.2 of the Law on targeted state social assistance, the family loses the right to receive social assistance for a period of 1 (one) year.

Social assistance is denied for one of the following reasons:

In case of discrepancies in the information specified in the "Application-Declaration";

If the average monthly income of the family for the 12 (twelve) consecutive months prior to the application for social assistance is equal to or higher than the sum of the need criteria for each family member;

If the family owns or uses a vehicle (except for vehicles provided by the state for rehabilitation purposes);

If an able-bodied, unemployed family member refuses two suitable jobs offered by the structural unit of the State Employment Agency (in this case, the family's right to social assistance is considered after 1 (one) month on the basis of his repeated application);

If the average monthly amount of the total per capita utility and communication expenses of the family is equal to or exceeds 15 (fifteen) percent of the approved subsistence minimum for the country;

When the family owns 2 or more real estate of the same purpose at different addresses.

The following family members are not included in the family when determining social assistance

Persons with full state support (persons living in orphanages and boarding schools, the elderly and people with disabilities, as well as social service institutions for children under 18 with disabilities, special educational institutions);

Persons in active military service;

Persons serving sentences in penitentiaries;

Wanted persons;

Citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan not living in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan;

Foreigners (except for those permanently residing in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan).


You need to know

If there is no discrepancy in the information entered by the family into VEMTAS, the family's material and living conditions are examined.

The monitoring group of the DOST Center carries out the "Examination of the living conditions of the family" using special computer equipment equipped with the appropriate software and transmits the results to VEMTAS in real time, confirming the results with an enhanced electronic signature.

Information resources and systems of state bodies and organizations are used by the Ministry to obtain the required reference and information on persons applying for social assistance and their family members in electronic form;

When VEMTAS decides on the appointment of social assistance, the amount and duration of the assistance, and if it is decided to refuse the appointment, the information is sent to one of the means of feedback indicated by the representative in the "Application-Declaration" on the day of the decision;

In cases when a member of a low-income family is involved in self-employment in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Employment”, the family's right to apply for social assistance is limited during the validity of the contract on transfer of property.

Loans obtained are not taken into account when calculating the average monthly family income.



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