Together with the ILO and social partners, the priorities of the new Decent Work Country Program are being identified

20 june 2022, 15:06
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Together with the ILO and social partners, the priorities of the new Decent Work Country Program are being identified

A conference between Azerbaijan and the International Labor Organization (ILO) on defining the priorities and expected results of the new Decent Work Country Program (2022-2026) has started.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection Sahil Babayev, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Trade Union Confederation Sattar Mohbaliyev, President of the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mammad Musayev, Director of the ILO Decent Work Technical Support Group and Eastern Europe and Central Asia Office Olga Kulayeva, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations participated at the conference.

Babayev said the new Decent Work Country Program envisages new initiatives to ensure fundamental labor rights and principles in our country in accordance with the international agenda. He noted that decent work means achieving productive work, creating stable, safe, quality jobs, improving the quality of the workforce, and further strengthening social dialogue.

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