Social insurance participants and their rights

The participants of social insurance are the insurer, the insurers and the insured.

Insurer - a body (institution) established by the relevant executive authority that carries out activities on compulsory state social insurance or voluntary insurance (except for activities to control the calculation and payment of compulsory state social insurance premiums) and manages insurance funds in accordance with the legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic ) and legal entities.

Insurers - enterprises, departments and organizations with the status of a legal entity established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan or a foreign state, regardless of their ownership and organizational-legal form, operating in the Republic of Azerbaijan, their branches and representative offices, elected bodies, state bodies, as well as other persons insuring themselves or the others.

Insured - those in whose favor the insurance activity is carried out.

Insured's length of service is the total period of labor activity for which the compulsory state social insurance premium is paid in favor of the insured.


The rights of the insurer are as follows:

  • to receive information and reports on compulsory state social insurance fees from the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority;
  • to obtain a certificate from the insurer on the amount of social insurance payments and the grounds for payment;
  • to conduct electronic monitoring of the insurers' compliance with the requirements of this law, to inform the body (organization) determined by the relevant executive authority on the results of the monitoring;
  • to demand fulfillment of obligations under the voluntary (additional) social insurance contract;
  • to exercise other rights provided by the legislation.


The responsibilities of the insurer include:

  • to take measures to ensure its regular solvency;
  • to ensure timely calculation and payment of social insurance payments;
  • to fulfill its obligations under voluntary (additional) social insurance contracts in a timely manner and in full;
  • to keep records of insurers and insured persons on the basis of information provided by the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority for the purposes of compulsory state social insurance;
  • to keep records of the insured on the basis of information provided by insurers for the purposes of compulsory state social insurance;
  • to carry out monthly, quarterly and annual reconciliation of receipts on compulsory state social insurance with the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority;
  • to perform other duties provided by the legislation.


Insurers have the following rights:

  • to participate in all forms of social insurance;
  • to independently choose an insurance company to carry out voluntary (additional) social insurance;
  • to demand compliance with social insurance rules and voluntary (additional) social insurance contracts.
  • The responsibilities of insurers are as follows:
    to pay social insurance premiums to the insurer within the established period;


The rights of the insured are as follows:

  • to require the insurer to insure them under compulsory state social insurance;
  • to independently choose an insurer for voluntary (additional) social insurance;to demand timely payment of social insurance payments;
  • to receive information from the insurer or the insurer about his insurance record when assigning social insurance payments.


The responsibilities of the insured are as follows:

  • timely payment of social insurance premiums;
  • to submit to the insurer or insurer the documents confirming the occurrence of the social insurance event.


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