What is social insurance?

Sosial insurance  is a form of insurance aimed at compensating for lost salaries, income or additional expenses of individuals, as well as preventing their loss in cases provided by the Law on Social Insurance.

Social insurance is in the forms of compulsory state insurance and voluntary (additional) insurance.


Individual personal account - an account opened by the insurer for each insured person with a social insurance number, which contains personal accounting data.

The following information must be included in the personal account:

  • social insurance number;
  • name, patronymic, surname (surname of the insured at the time of birth must also be indicated);
  • year, month, day of birth;
  • place of birth;
  • gender;
  • the address of the place of permanent registration, and the place of residence of refugees and IDPs;
  • series, number, date of issue and name of the issuing authority of the identity document;
  • citizenship;
  • telephone number;
  • social insurance length of service for the purpose of determining a labor pension, including a grace period of length of service;
  • salary and other income for which compulsory state social insurance premiums are calculated and paid (for each month of insurance experience);
  • amount of compulsory state social insurance premium calculated and paid by the insurer to the personal account (for each month of insurance experience);
  • periods of unemployment insurance payment;
  • the period of non-payment of compulsory state social insurance, but included in the length of service of social insurance in accordance with the relevant legislation;
  • information on determination (recalculation) and indexation of labor pension.
  • information on the labor pension capital accrued conditionally in accordance with the insured's right to labor pension earned as of January 1, 2006;
  • information on the insurance part of the personal account and its indexation;
  • information on the savings part of the personal account;
  • information on closing the personal account of the insured;
  • information on closing the individual personal account of the insured person in cases where he died or was declared dead or missing without notice by a legally binding decision of the court.


The information contained in the individual personal account of the insured must be regularly verified by the insurer from the time of registration in the state social insurance system.

The data contained in the individual personal account of the insured is stored centrally by the insurer and a data backup database is created.

A social insurance event is such a case that upon its occurrence, the insured person has the right to receive an insurance payment from the insurance organization.

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